Webmail domain says something about you

I use GMail :)

Amplify’d from www.news.com.au
  • Yahoo! users likely to be overweight 
  • Hotmail’s for pessimists in the ‘burbs 

PACKING on a few too many pounds and cramming your DVR with shows to watch? You’re probably an AOL user.

For example, it found AOL and Yahoo! users are most likely to be “overweight women” who “haven’t travelled outside their own country”.

Hotmail is relegated to pessimists in the suburbs, while Gmail is the hipster of the bunch with users who are most likely to be “thin young men” aged from 18 to 34, with a college education.

Hunch said that while Gmail users were overwhelmingly likely to be under 35 years old (72 per cent), AOL users were nearly as likely to be older than that benchmark (58 per cent).

The site also said looking for employment with an AOL address could relegate your application to the bottom of the pile below more up-to-date seekers.

“Job hunting with an AOL address? Leave that back in 1998,” Hunch’s Jon Russell wrote.

More than half of AOL and Yahoo! users confessed they were overweight, and just under half freely admitted they had never been outside their home country.

AOL also had highest proportion of users reporting that they had at least two DVRs in their home.

Conversely, Gmail users described themselves as svelte and a whopping 31 per cent said they had visited more than five countries outside their own – almost double the figure for users of Yahoo! and AOL.

You can see the full results on the Hunch blog.

Read more at www.news.com.au


Earth Hour – kill your neighbour’s dog and leave the lights on

Earth Hour – a futile and scientifically unsound gesture towards making ourselves feel better about screwing the earth over.

Advocates say it makes people think about the earth. Well wouldn’t it be better to think about it for more than one hour a year? If I was the earth I would be feeling a bit ripped off. New Zealand and Australia both get one whole day a year to them selves, and the whole earth only gets an hour? Shouldn’t it be earth week and we all get a one week holiday?

But wont switching off lights at least drop load at the power station and reduce emissions? No! The Power stations are on idle at night – they have to run at a minimum load. Switching off lights at night doesn’t make them generate any less electricity.  The power is there to use.  It’s the DAY time that they go flat-out.

So, if you DO want to reduce energy-produced carbon emissions by a MINISCULE amount by switching off lights, first connect to an electricity provider that isn’t already green, and then switch off lights during the day. But only if your electricity provider is not green already!

Q. What are the folk that do follow Earth Hour going to do in the dark?

A. Make carbon-emission producing kids, burn candles to produce light really inefficiently, or  go for a drive in their SUVs/Hummers to town to spend money on so stuff whose packaging is plastic and created by some filthy pollution generating Chinese factory.

SO, what CAN you do if you really want to make a difference to the earth at Earth Hour?

Take your kids on a family activity to kill your neighbours dog! By doing this you will be saving the earth from the massive emissions of dog food production, and canning processes,  AND the carbon dioxide and methane that the dog would have created from its consumption.

Your neighbour wont have to drive their dog to the park in their SUV anymore either. Win Win.


How to teach a kid to go far in life

So true these days. It seems to be successful, you need to be an arse.
clipped from www.theage.com.au

9 JanAlan Moir, The Sydney Morning Herald’s political cartoonist, sketches the political unreality.

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Be careful if you have a burning between your legs, you don’t want to be labelled a Terrorist.

I’ve been reading about Jasper Schuringa, the Dutch film director who subdued Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (or is it Abdul Mutallab ?) on Flight 253.

Anyway, apparently having a burning object between your legs makes you a terrorist. Hmm… I’ll restrain from commenting further.

clipped from www.huffingtonpost.com
Schuringa said he saw that Abdulmutallab had his pants open and he was holding a burning object between his legs.
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KFC racist, or just US media seeing the world through lenses of racism as usual?

This was not a black America issue. This was not even an American ad. It had nothing to do with colour or race. It was about an Aussie cricket fan surrounded by West-Indian cricket fans. Aussies and Kiwis never thought of it as ‘white vs black’.
WE are not uncomfortable about people having different skin colours. WE find skin colour irrelevant. It is totally acceptable to bring home a girlfriend of a different race, because it is not important.
Americans view people as either Black or White. THAT is racist. Stop being racist America! Colour should be invisible!
I have heard that KFC didn’t have the bottle to stand up for itself. The ad has been taken of air. Pathetic.
clipped from www.guardian.co.uk
Although intended only for an Antipodean audience, the clip has quickly found its way around the world on the internet, prompting stinging criticism in the US where fried chicken remains closely associated with age-old racist stereotypes about black people in the once segregated south.
KFC Australia has come out fighting, saying that the commercial was a “light-hearted reference to the West Indian cricket team” that had been “misinterpreted by a segment of people in the US.”
In the Australian media, the reaction has been mixed, with some commentators accusing Americans of “insularity”. Brendon O’Connor, an associate professor at the University of Sydney, told 9 Network News that the association between fried chicken and ethnic minorities was a distinctly US issue: “They have a tendency to think that their history is more important than that of other countries.”

blog it

Hey Kids! Learn how to plagiarise without being caught.

The war on kids is on.Your teachers are out to catch you copying useful information from websites in to pointless homework (yes research shows most homework has no educational benefit). While you may call it being resourceful and efficient, THEY call it plagiarism. Luckily the Brits have published notes on how they catch you. Good luck sweeties!
clipped from www.telegraph.co.uk

Children can also be easily tripped up by copying passages from websites
containing American phrases and spellings – a clear sign of plagiarism.

The comments were made in a series of documents
sent to pupils, parents and teachers warning against cheating at school.

Among the most obvious giveaways was when an essay suddenly changed “in font,
styles, sizes and indentation and line spacing”, Ofqual said, indicating
that passages had been carelessly copied.

Teachers were also told to look out for the use of phases and spellings in
American English, suggesting pupils had downloaded work from foreign
websites. This includes phrases such as “go get” for “go and get”, “have
gotten” instead of “have got” and “period” for “full-stop”.

clipped from www.ofqual.gov.uk

  • Authenticity: A Guide for Teachers (PDF, 586 KB)
  • Avoiding Plagiarism: A Guide for Parents and Carers (PDF, 565 KB)
  • Using Sources: A Guide for Students: Find it – Check it – Credit it (PDF, 653 KB)
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